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Contraindications of Cosmetic Surgery: How to Avoid Them?

How to Avoid Contraindications Of Cosmetic Surgery
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People often wonder what are the contraindications of cosmetic surgery. 

Dr. Boris explains that, before any cosmetic surgery, you have to know the condition of your body, because it is the best and easiest way of avoiding contraindications. In other words, you have to do a series of blood and other tests that will remove any doubts about your health, because cosmetic surgery leaves the best results on healthy individuals. 

Dr. Boris: “The question is, are there any contraindications to doing cosmetic surgery? And, of course, number one, you have to be in great health. It’s an elective procedure. It’s not something you need to have done like having a cancer operation. And so we want to make sure you’re in good health.”

Preparations for Cosmetic Procedure

“We do routinely bloodwork, we check your blood, make sure you don’t have any bleeding tendency, or that your blood level is normal. We want to make sure you don’t have any medical conditions, so we’re very we go through a whole history and physical exam with you.”

Older Patients and Pre-Examination

“And if you are over 45, routinely, we get EKG. We get a doctor –  internist to check you over, and we have that ready by the office, so that’s easy to do if you don’t have your own doctor. We want to make sure that you’re in good health.

You don’t have terrible conditions like diabetes that could affect your wound healing or give rise to an infection. We want to make sure you’re not immunocompromised.”

Boris Cosmetic and Pre-op Procedure

“So we really, you know, an experience that plastic surgeons in my office have is that we go through the checklist to make sure you’re in good health. And so this is an essential requirement before we do any intervention, any kind of surgery.

We make sure you’re gonna be okay for surgery and that you’ll get a great result because we don’t want to have any complications and have you deal with any complications, and certainly, that’s what we’ve been doing. It works for us.”